Words hurt
Bullying is one of todays topics and there's a lot of campagnes against bullying. It's still a huge problem, and I'm not talking about schools. It's a huge problem in our tired society. That psychological terror follows people everywhere: school, work, hobbies...
I personally hate those who doesn't have anything better to do than drive others down. Those people doesn't hate you for who you are. They hate themselves because of what they're not. There's something missing in their lives and they feed themselves by seeing others suffer. What a apathetic way of life. I guess they don't understand how much words can hurt.
At some point it all just fills too much. Those who are offers for bullying maybe starts to believe in those things that's been said. They might blame themselves, believing being useless, being freaks. If that's the case, it can end up really badly. Worst case in scenario it can end up by someone committing a suicide. What a terrible way to end up a life with.
Why isn't there enough place to be different? Because that's what we all are.