I don't know if anyone recognizes that awkward moment when you stand there right next to him like a stranger but you both know he's been all over you so many times. You both live separate lives in completely different level, in completely different ways. You don't have anything in common but that sexual tension, which drives you both crazy.
'There's no future for you and him and you both are aware of it, but you're still seeing each other even though it's not right. How can it be possible? There has to be some kind of feelings between you two to make it happen. I just don't get it because it seems that you have a perfect life. I can't help wondering why me, because I know you can have anyone you want because of who you are. I don't know if you like playing with fire but just to mention: The most people are ending up getting burned.
I don't care 'cause I'm just another woman...