We are only talking about shoes. Thinking about my designer bags as well. I have offered a fortune to them and as Samantha from Sex and the city says: "It's not a handbag. It's a fucking Birkin!" There's many people who doesn't understand me using like 7000$ for a bag and I'm fine with it. For me it's a passion, a lifestyle. But as everybody knows: Fashions fade but style is eternal. You have to know how the trends are changing. Everytime I find something new and ordered it home, people are starring at me like I'm a freak. I just keep telling them to wait 6 months and it'll be seen everywhere, but that time I've already moved on to the next level.
Well, as I said I'm trying hundreds sets of clothing and it should be just something simple and casual...Well, It'll be just jeans, t-shirt from DKNY, black leather jacket, black vintage sandals from Prada. Then I'll pick my favourite shades from Chanel, black tote from Chanel as well. Finally: I'm ready to go.