This endless torture. This painless pleasure...
I'm sad. Everything you say is wrong. All I hear is what I want to hear. Shhhh. Don't speak, listen. Silence. All I can hear is my own heartbeat. Can you feel it?
I'm dreaming. Dreaming of you being here with me. You're so close but so far away. I need you to fight away my fears and being there for me.
I'd like to take your hand and tell you I was wrong, but I won't do it. I'll take everything but I don't give anything. I'm selfish. A bitch. I'm treating you as a piece of shit, but expecting you to treat me like a princess. I'd like to say I'm sorry, but i won't do it. Picking up the fight, over and over again.
How can you still be there for me? Maybe there's something in me what only you can see. Something you find worth of fighting for. I'm happy you to be there, even if I don't deserve it...