Hounting of youth
One thing is a fact: We all get older. There's nobody in this world who can change it. We are trying to hount the source of the youth, hysterically watching beauty magazines which doesn't make anything but give us low self esteem. Models today are younger and younger, actually closer to teenage years. Those who are between 25-35 getting their first wrinkles are getting even more depressed looking at them and it's not enough that they're young. The pictures are completely re-touched removing all pores, marks and spots making the skin looking as smooth as porcelain. The worst part is, that even we are told that fact we are still dreaming of those false faces. Actresses are living under neverending preasure when the younger colleagues are taking their parts. They keep using hundreds of dollars to buy anti-wrinkle cosmetics, taking treatments, using botox or choosing face-lift. It usually becomes an obsession and in the end the whole face mimik is gone and then the roles are even more difficult to get. Well, nobody wants to look old but the fact is we all do get older. Why can't we just accept it because it doesn't make us any younger anyway. Well, I'll take to oxygen treatment myself. I'm one of those who just keeps hounting the youth source...