We're all the same
When we are born, we are pink. When we get tanned, we are brown. When we get cold, we are blue and then some of us dare to call the other races coloured. Well, what does the colour mean? We all still have one body with two arms and legs and a beating heart. We are all the same, nobody's better than others. We all make mistakes 'cause we're only human. Nobody has right to judge people because of their colour, it doesn't make them worse.
We can't choose where are born, so why some of us are looking down those who are living in poverty. If you are that lucky being born to a rich family and you don't have to do anything at all for your living, take a look at yourself sometimes, don't you feel quilty?
There has been a resurch of which groups are giving most money to Red Cross, Unicef and so on, and the results were shocking: Those who are giving most are those who doesn't earn that much themself. Maybe because they're living down on earth they understands the problem better. I don't know. I'm not writing to judge anyone, I just want people to realize that even though we can't save the whole world, we can still make difference.