Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Under preasure

I was watching tv and saw something, which made me to think how much preasure there's been put on our children. I saw this program of some kind of beauty contest for young girls and they were like 6 years old! Those mothers were horrible, living their own dream throw their children pushing them to the outer limits. Those small innocent children were dressed like adults, with complete make-up on, talking as grown women. Completely brainwashed. If you ask them if it's themself or their mothers dream, you'll get that pollite correct answer that they want it themself. You can just see sadness throw their eyes.

There's so many others as well. Family, where father has been playing quaterback on a pretty high level, getting scholarship to some fine university because of his talent, but get's hurt and it's the end of the career. So the son has to go all the way.The son is afraid of disappointing his dad, and instead of following his own dream, he'll follow his fathers.

I've seen how in a friendly ice hockey match or soccer game for boys, not older than 10 years becomes a battlefield for adults, where fathers starts hitting each other and mothers just being mean verbally. All this in front of a flock children. sitting there,watching scared and embarrissed their parents to lose control. And the only thing they want is to play their game, which doesn't count of anything, there's not even any prizes. It only supposed to be fun.

Well, they're getting older and parents just keep pushing. Those young teenagers who doesn't have encourage to get against them, are just struggeling with their selfesteem closing themselves, getting eating disorders and other mental problems to live up all those expectations there's been set for them.

 I don't mean children should just stop the things they are doing, I just mean there's better ways than pushing. It doesn't help if you keep telling how good you were yourself, how far you reached, you just need to be there for your children. Being there as a parent, showing it doesn't matter if they're not ending up number one every time. Just as long as they know they've done the best they could. I guess we can always be better to listen to our children to create them the best life possible.